Fuck the Middle East

I mean it – dead fucking serious. It’s just stupid. Been going on for millennia because religious nutbags gotta vie for political control. It’s the same shyt going on here, just the OG mutherfuckers carrying on back in the old world, because the bible or koran or some numbnut in a church somewhere compels them.

It’s unfortunate, but I don’t know what else to say about it at this point. Let ’em fight – all of ’em. Give them plenty of the best weapons, both sides. Anybody doesn’t wish to participate is certainly free to go. Gotta keep that refugee and migrant flow stoked.

Funny you never hear much out of the UK when this shyt flares up. We’ll deal with whatever’s left after the dust settles. It doesn’t matter either way any longer.

Figure out where to draw a line, Korea-style, or let ’em fight.

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