Buck Plans Private GOP Takeover

Buck the Cuck went on ABC This Week™ today to elaborate on his vision for how a Speaker of the House gets elected. First they privately decide who’s gonna win the vote, then they hold the vote. It’s the fascist way, dont’cha know!

No, this POS (now former?) Trump dick sucker thinks they can just circle the wagons, start over and everything will be OK. Cut the crap and stop talking out both sides of your political mouth, mutherfucker. He was wrong then, he’s wrong now and he’ll be wrong until he spits that MAGA dick out of his mouth.

“They brought a primary two years ago, I won 75-25,” Buck said. “I am comfortable that the people in my district know that I’m a conservative and know that I want to make sure we don’t ruin this institution over a tit-for-tat impeachment.”

Who’s talkin bout’ ruining what now? Just a stone’s throw north of here, collecting all those Weld county farmer votes, tellin’ em’ whatever they wanna hear…

The day Liz Cheney became the only thing standing between democracy and fascism marked the end of the GOP.

Sign the petition to disqualify the Mango Menace.

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