All True

Within certain perspective-limited constraints, this stuff was all true for me, at one time or another. But that’s how stereotypes and urban legends get started. Enough of it comes and goes for people in an ongoing basis, and there you have it. I’ll go through them one-by-one real quick, just to explain what I’m talking about.

10. The winter is just one big snowstorm. Well of course not, but some of them do get big, and that’s the part of winter you always remember. My first years here after joining the Air Force at Buckley ANGB in 1983 saw -20°F temps for almost a week the 1st winter over Xmas and the following year we had one of the biggest Thanksgiving blizzards on record. But most of the time it’s pretty damn nice.

9. The wild animals are friendly. Just glad we didn’t learn this one the hard way when me ‘n Francie got too close to that Elk up in the Park one day.

8. Everyone likes craft beer. Probably true – statistically, speaking.

7. Visiting Colorado is always super expensive. Also true. Even tent camping is gonna run you some $$ once properly geared up for a family-sized outing.

6. Everyone here is high. Probably just depends on where you hang out at what time of day, not unlike anywhere else.

5. Every Coloradan skis. See below. I had great fun attempting it with the AF buds, back in the day.

4. No one works, we just explore. Bias confirmation. You can’t drive through the state and not be tempted to do it.

3. Everyone loves the Denver Broncos. Another likely statistical truth. I love to hate ’em.

2. All Coloradans are super athletes. No, just the few who are already super athletes and get to compete the day after arrival at lower elevation. Everybody else is probably fairly average across the board.

1. Colorado is all mountains. Probably about half-and-half, yeah whatever.

I’d been the one doing somersaults with skis flying in different directions.

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