Chinese Gettin’ Antsy

Ever wonder why the Chinese and Russians might be interested in our elections?

A Microsoft spokesperson told Reuters that the company’s researcher used a “multifaceted attribution model,” which relies on “technical evidence, behavioral evidence and contextual evidence.”

Maybve help to brush up on ur AI. Hallucination: An incorrect response from AI. Can include generative AI producing answers that are incorrect but stated with confidence as if correct. The reasons for this aren’t entirely known. For example, when asking an AI chatbot, “When did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa?” it may respond with an incorrect statement saying, “Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1815,” which is 300 years after it was actually painted.

SANSSUM: Microsoft has released the findings of its investigation into how threat actors were able to acquire a “Microsoft account (MSA) consumer key to forge tokens to access OWA and” An April 2021 consumer signing system crash led to an automated crash dump; sensitive information like signing keys is not supposed to be included in these dumps, but a bug allowed the key to slip through. The crash dump was later moved to a debugging environment. At some point after April 2021, the threat actors managed to compromise a Microsoft engineer’s account. That engineer had access to the debugging environment.

Same/similar MO appearing on a regular basis now.

Democracy or authoritarianism? It’s not your call, unless you wanna get off ur ass and help. It only takes a few handfuls of fuckwits to support a dictator (19 in this case). It takes a nation of smart people to run a democracy.

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