Glitch McConnell

Everybody thinks Biden’s too old, but this geriatric sack ‘o shyt can no longer even muster the words. Guess we’ll have another brain-dead representative sitting around in Washington waiting to die in office.

The cocksucker stood in front of a joint session of Congress proclaiming “We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next…” Then he proceeded to participate in the cover-up. Miserable piece of traitorous shyt – every goddamned last one of them.

There was the whole Garland holdup, among other dubious political parlor tricks over the years. This well-curated piece of MAGA shyt can fuck off and die. Hopefully we won’t have much longer to wait before he kicks the can in office, eventually joining Feinstein, Grassley and that moron from Maine at the big political fuckery show in the sky.

Term limits now! That goes for everybody from the Chief Justice on down the fucking line. People been clamoring for term limits decades now, but they insist on continuing to embarrass themselves.

Lackeys got a link. Have a nice day.

I recommend Cannabis therapy and rest with minimal stressful political activity.

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