Mitnick Dead at 59

Doubt if many today remember where the whole hacker thing got started. And I don’t recall ever hearing if we determined whether or not he turned out to actually be a good guy or a bad guy, overall. One thing’s for sure: He had the balls to go up against those mutherfuckers, right or wrong.

In the end, Mitnick would joke online about his early escapades like men his age who laugh about their own juvenile delinquency, and the Internet is loaded with his tips for avoiding foiling online predators.

Cyberspace’s most-wanted hacker and his unlikely capture in Raleigh in 1995.

Attackers find new ways to deliver DDoSes with “alarming” sophistication.

The Gubmit and Big Tech – gotta watch those fuckers all the time…

I still snicker reading the old accounts of how he penetrated security in the systems at all these big tech giants of the time. It’s only because they had none. It wasn’t even on the radar then. He was a clueful opportunist.

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