Craft Beer in America

I used to be a real beer-aholic, getting started while assigned to Leipheim, AB Germany. I was stunned when the first shirt took me to lunch the day after we arrived and ordered a beer. We lived across the street from the local brewery, did the Oktoberfest thing, etc. The Squadron hired a beer wagon for the 4th celebration one year and everybody was rolling watching the vice hitting on people’s wives. Some of the stuff I get at Costco here nowadays rivals anything I remember from Bavaria.

These beers were apparently flavorful and made with quality grains and hops—that is, until Prohibition hit. By the time those awful 13 years ended, American beer was completely dumbed down with corn and rice replacing the grains. Suddenly, these German lagers and Czech pilsners were now “lite” beers in aluminum cans, meant for pounding while eating a TV dinner and sitting on your La-Z-Boy.

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