Pandemic Fraud

We can always count on Rolling Stone to turn up the really juicy bits. Repugs complain about improving IRS operations that could recoup $billions$ from white collar criminals while handing out same to people like Larry Kudlow in furtherance of monumental government-hosted waste and scams. I wonder if they looked into his wife’s business.

They are still working pandemic fraud cases, but the agents admit that they are down to a “trickle.” They, like every organization, have to prioritize, and they are facing an influx of romance scams, sextortion, and a nasty scheme called “pig butchering,” where the mark gets fattened up with phony investment returns only to be cleaned out. There’s the Black Ax gang in Nigeria on the rise, the Double Dragon crew out of China, and a new rash of electronic-bank-transfer thievery among all kinds of threats they have to try and enforce. Their work is never ending.

The Trump Administration proved one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt: How not to run a pandemic relief program.
Fortunate SonBob Seger cover

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