Game On

Anybody who thinks Musk’s power play at Twitter™ is anything less than a MAGA support op, needs to pull their head out, quick.

She started her account in September 2022, shortly before Musk’s takeover, with a rapid-fire series of left-leaning tweets and requests for people to retweet if they agreed. It worked: In November and December, she was gaining more than 1,000 followers a day, according to audience data from the social media analytics firm SocialBlade.

CHATSUM: Marsh’s account employed a controversial tactic known as “rage baiting,” posting polarizing and incendiary messages to provoke engagement and boost her follower base. This strategy is reminiscent of the tactics used by Russian trolls during the 2016 US presidential campaign.

I know it well… That goes double for you, Spaceboy. 😆

Twitter not suited for emergency communications, Dutch say after storm.

Cruel Little Number -Jeff Healy Band

1st take on Meta Threads™ – it’s just business. Former Twits got money to spend somewhere. And please view my Twit characterization in an if the shoe fits vein. Unfortunately as usual, it’s the very small minority of bad actors ruining it for everybody. But if you’re using Twitter™ to make yourself stupid, by all means, go for it!

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