Strip Mining

We’re gonna do it on the ocean floor now. Destroying the environment in terrestrial venues for the purpose of carbonizing the atmosphere with coal was a huge, destructive failure by every measure. Continues to be in many places today. Now the mineral resources desired for battery production among other things, can be found lying on the seafloor.

I’ll never forget how my father began introducing me to selfish, conservative attitudes, watching him dump trash in the strip mine pits along the road where I grew up. Vast swaths of the landscape throughout the public lands around where we lived were literally destroyed for a few tons of coal. Outcry eventually garnered legislative support directing reclamation activities, but the damage was done. It’s not the same now and never will be.

Safety and security stuff is all about risk management. The problem with today’s looming mining risk is far bigger than some realize. At least no miners will lose their lives trapped underground digging to fill the pockets of the likes of Joe Manchin.

Time just keeps everything from happening all at once. Put an ice-cube on a sunny sidewalk and watch for about an hour. Depending on how warm it is, it’ll be dry before you’re done. Water covers most of this planet. For now.

CHATSUM: Environmental concerns surround deep sea mining, as it could lead to biodiversity loss, pollution, and irreversible damage to delicate deep sea ecosystems. Some countries and companies have called for a ban or moratorium on deep sea mining until proper environmental safeguards are in place.

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