The Real Question

I have no answer. Pundit Lexington’s explanation seems plausible. There’s probably as many reasons why people become dishonest cocksuckers as there are people doing it. Roberts’ tepid response to the mess reeks of complicity.

The list of groups who wounded Clarence Thomas is long: light-skinned black people who believed themselves superior; white conservatives who assumed a black man could not share their views; black liberals who believed a black man should not share such views; white liberals who believed that, too; perhaps most, the rich white men, including Joe Biden, who had the gall during his Senate confirmation hearings to question his commitment to racial justice, and then to torment him with accusations of sexual harassment, which he denied. Mr Thomas had played by the rules, he writes in his autobiography, “My Grandfather’s Son”, only to learn that “whites could change those rules whenever they pleased. It had always been that way, and always would be.”

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