
Berate people for being aware. This type misinformation gets amplified and re-hashed over the years, so you really need to go back to where and how it got started to see what actually happened before having any hope of understanding it. The first person ever using woke in the current U.S. political vernacular was referring to someone who accepted awareness of the previously unseen reality standing before their very eyes.

What can be done when the obvious reality apparent to all paints your politics in an inconvenient way? Berate them using an easy catchphrase or terminology people don’t need to think about too much. Simple notions like this readily migrate to various talking points. But be careful getting too caught up in your own deceit. Reality can be a mean bitch sometimes.

This concept parallels early childhood experiences. Inconvenient truths distill into things like “problem child,” “troublemaker,” and worse, as they grow older. Reflecting on the outcomes of challenging personal hardships finally sorted it out. I’m four years older than my only younger sibling. They tried again, but got a stillbirth. Look at that picture of us sitting on the stone wall in Rocky Mountain National park. You might need to zoom in. Tell me that’s not an autistic little boy. Just like there’s no bad dogs, there’s alot of Stuff you don’t know.

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