Social Media Again?

I’ve been harping on this for going on twenty years. Social media platforms are nothing but disruptive, amoral, cash-generating online scams. Yes -plenty of mundane messaging and entertainment also gets done. But Meta, Twitter and Youtube’s primary and only important objective is monetizing the private information of it’s users.

Still think it’s worth it?

“Reports on social media during the week of March 6 that some venture capital firms, including influential investor Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, were advising companies to pull cash from tech-focused SVB snowballed into a stock rout and sent customers scrambling for the exit. Authorities shut SVB on March 10.”

Social media exposes all sorts of flaws – in mostly unpredictable and unintended ways.

Here’s just one of many examples of the small-print warning you might see on literally any legitimate business website today. Communication is a 2-way street. You’ve been warned:

“This site is being monitored by one or more third-party software(s), and may capture information about you and your visit. You may opt-out from the data collection on your visit through a universal consumer options page located at”

Anybody want to guess what that “collectionoptoutservices” page does? It saves GoDaddy™ from collecting it themselves. Social media’s just one of the quick, easy modern vectors – lettin’ ya drive yourselves crazy, while robbing you behind your back.

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