Nazi Piece of Shit

Notice the spelling. I mostly use my colloquial shyt spelling around here, generally referring to objectionable, dirty or repellent things, people or concepts. Carlson is the REAL deal. He decided to continue doubling down on the big lie, after McCarthy gave FOX the Capitol riot video footage. The cocksuckers are still trying to cover their tracks, hoping for another chance to do a better coup next time.

Bet we find big MAGA money hidden in illegal or otherwise dubious FOX-related transactions. They must be under pressure to continue doing this. Him, his colleagues, FOX and the entire GOP are nothing but cocksucking traitors.

Eat shit and die, cockpig.
Not that he was gonna get anything done with it, anyway. Tucker Carlson Gaslights America.
I don’t give a SHIT what kind of Republican you think you might be. If you are not openly denouncing Trump, his supporters and the entire MAGA movement, you can suck my dick and choke on it.

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