Security Costs!

Twitter™ limiting 2-factor authentication to paid subscriptions. Nice. At a time when fraudsters are disappearing with $billions of crypto and every other nightly news day ends with some story about another TikTok or Instagram scam, we have the Chief Twit enforcing lax security on a popular social media site. Wonderful.

How to keep ur Twitter™ account secure without giving Musk any money.

Meta’s selling blue checks now, too! Get it quick, before your account gets “drowned by imposters or fake accounts.” They actually say that as a selling point, no shyt. Extra security looks real attractive, and they’ll sell it to ya for $12-15/mo. I wonder how much of that money they’re still printing gets spent on internal security rooting out the imposters and fakes? Musk just recently finished killing off the Content Moderation people at Twitter. None of the balance sheets are going in the right direction, so he’s a little impatient.

Used to be local storefronts and various other small businesses, back in the day. Organized crime shake-downs have graduated to cyber, reaching out for every potential individual customer’s pocket or purse, right up front.

Fly away birdie! Please – fly far, far away…

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