Easiest Target Practice Ever

I’d like to know why they wasted a Sidewinder on it? Would’ve been alot more fun making a couple gun runs and probably preserve the payload better, as well. Can’t get over how quickly the imaginative right-wingers jumped on the opportunity to criticize another expertly planned and executed “Special Military Operation.”

The Real Story. I’ll go ahead and take a WAG the Chinese had a little unexpected weather mess with their transceivers.

That twerp Rubio from Florida among others, was on the airwaves lamenting how it wasn’t shot down sooner over Alaska. Goes to show the forethought these morons are willing to put into just about anything. It’s either a political hit calculation, or a money-making scheme. That’s all the farther they go.

Can’t wait to see what we find in that thing now that it’s been clear across the country, with all it’s incriminating data stored safely off the South Carolina coast.

Late Update: China says will ‘safeguard interests.’ Translation: They are already re-examining and re-coding everything those systems touch on their soil before we start doing it for them.

Combined arms lesson for the Russians: Canuks tracked, USAF did the shooting and the Navy’s on cleanup. Probably didn’t need Army support on this one, but I’m sure they were standing ready, hoping to get something.

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