It’s the Internet!

Wonder why so much fraud, scam and political skullduggery seems to be going on these days? Maybe it’s just the same old shyt with me getting older noticing it more? Gaining better perspective on certain things as life goes on would be normal, methinks. I still haven’t changed my long-standing view of one common cyber denominator analogous to meatspace since the (public) Internet’s inception when I started helping build it back in the late 80s: The WIld West.

Law is always playing catch-up. Things need to go wrongly enough first before societal critical mass moves to address the issue legislatively, judicially and operationally. I suspect the real reason behind cyber-enabled white-collar crime is simply that many people are making big bank in the dark web fuckery business with impunity. More to the point, the underworld’s selling illicit drugs and legitimate business interests in the FIRE sector love it, because it’s only all on paper (drive?). Half the time they can literally do it legally with chatboxes and byzantine answering programs effectively insulating them from the customers.

You can lie, cheat and steal all you want and probably get away with it these days – as long as you’re smart enough and behind a keyboard. Hell, get enough of them typing in the same direction, and you can get this fuckwit elected POTUS.

4 more years! 4 more years! for fraud, (in the NY State Penn)

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