Health Status Update

Deliberately sat on my ass most of the past few weeks blaming it on the weather, and got a good baseline. This’ll be it for health complaints on here going forward, unless I decide to get the C-spine fixed, lose a limb to a power tool or something similar.

2 DEC 22: Non-narrative, final long-term rundown.

Radiculopathy from C6-7 and L4-5 – Right thigh, lat, glute, erector and various upper-right back/shoulder muscles stiff and aching sore to the bone 24×7. Limited ambulation based mostly on back brace and cane. Limited neck rotation to the left.

Neuropathy – 1) Random muscle twitching in the right quad and glute based on activity type and level. 2) Various neuropathic itches. 3) Random arm numbing – level PT-based. 4) Calf and foot cramps. 5) Loss of sensation in hands and elsewhere. 6) Minor balance issues standing/walking.

Some of the nerve root damage symptoms listed above spread out to the left glute with activity. There’s a couple more new symptoms from the lumbar fiasco I’m saving to speak about in person with various individuals.

All the same old arthritis and bad joint Stuff I’m not too worried about anymore.

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