Allyson Daniels

I’ll never forget when they came to Butmir while I was there. It was like around the 3rd day after I arrived still getting familiarized, when one of our guys came running into the club yelling “They’re at the bathouse now!” New information flooding into my brain soon enabled me to determine that’s what they called the Battalion Compound where I actually worked over by the gate. The other thing was who they were: a half dozen Broncos cheerleaders!

The U.S. personnel immediately exited, heading in that direction with the rest of the clientele sitting in stunned silence looking at each other like WTF? I looked at the guy I was sitting with and said “Football Girls.” He smiled and said “ah yes, Footlball!” Neither one of us spoke a word of the other’s language. I think football translated by default.

So yeah, got to meet them real briefly in the conference room. Started thinking well, it can’t be ALL bad. They’re a thing – a REAL thing in this context. You can see Allyson with the rest of the gang every home game here in Denver. Broncos will have to do without ’em, at Sofi tonight.

Allyson Daniels, Tara Battiato and Candace Wilson, Denver Broncos cheerleaders, make a guest appearance during the afternoon radio show with Senior Airman John Archiquette, Armed Forces Network broadcaster, Nov. 5, 2010 at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey.

LATE UPDATE: Russell having his worst career start ever, on the season. 🙁

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