Tech Problems

Techies don’t always do the best job of solving tech problems, for some reason. Their solutions typically involve layering more tech onto the problem. I’ll belay my currently-due anti-cellphone rant in favor of kudos to Google for early indications on the Pixel 7. I’m not exactly looking forward to another phone upgrade, having barley scratched the surface on the 6 after a year or so.

The cellphone industry has staked out their balance sheets in terms of competition and ever-shortening upgrade cycles. So be it. I’ll get on the upgrade bandwagon after they figure out how to balance the battery with milestone hardware and the soft Stuff on it. Lithium and cobalt are very environmentally questionable.

“Phone” is or was supposed to be the operative term in the telephony ecosystem. They’ve evolved into handheld computers capable of doing a few things very well, some passably well and the rest churning entertainment, shopping and gaming into micro-sized experiments in frustration. JMHO – not that I was ever any sort of PC gamer. Looks like Google might try keeping the phone part front-and-center for the time being. Nice.

I’ll be looking forward to this one, but waiting until long after the initial rush.

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