Cyber Security

Here’s a quick tip for anybody concerned with their online privacy and security: Don’t use apps, plugins, add-ons or really anything that doesn’t come shrink-wrapped or checksum-verified from the source. Even that shrink-wrapped stuff can be a little sketchy, if you’re not careful (Solarwinds!) The 1s and 0s mixing it up on your electronic devices are pretty much out of control once you get more than 1 or 2 levels removed from the platforms on which they stand.

I haven’t trusted much beyond the operating system(s) that wasn’t open source for decades. Even those can be tricky. I stopped trusting Micro$oft at all, after the push for maximum subscription monetization back around the turn of the century. The old KISS maxim applies: Keep It Simple, Stupid!

The rush to Internet monetization created a whole new tech field.

Betcha Tom Selleck’s slow cousin Mike LIndell’s got enough crap on that thing to keep the FBI busy for quite awhile. Coded just right, software itself can be a form of misinformation.

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