Health Status Update

I decided to take a different approach to the tolerance issue this time. I imagine my body runs at close to max Cannabis tolerance more-or-less continually. I have to be careful to avoid knocking myself out eating the de-carb’d flower. It doesn’t really get me high that much any more except just makes me sleepy at some level. So I decided to try a little different approach than just stopping cold turkey for a few days to see if I can detect any clues.

I’ve been titrating down slowly for at least a month, aiming to completely use up all the stash. Haven’t had any rosin concentrate since those ran out a month ago. I like the solventless and cold-pressed rosins. They are probably the only concentrates not potentially adulterated with processing artifacts. I’m not really comfortable with all the pre-processed Cannabis products available in this so-called “regulated” market. I suspect the only thing really getting regulated to any effect is the tax revenue. Finished the Kief last weekend. Had no edible at all past three days, and I finished vaping the last of the CBD flower a few hours ago.

Experienced an excruciating right knee something (nerve flare, or just another bad joint?) holding it in an awkward position trying to dump a big bag of dog food into the storage container yesterday. It was pretty sore for a few weeks right after the lumbar surgery, but this was the first time I ever had a real episode of any kind with it. The last of that CBD flower didn’t contain much THC and seems like nothing to the radiculopathy symptoms. All stiff, cramped and sore up and down the whole right side now.

Early indications seem to suggest the only difference is going to be taking longer to get miserably un-medicated. This weekend is gonna suck.

LATE UPDATE – Sunday Morning: There’s not much wrong with that knee that hasn’t been there for the past 20 years – except maybe the nerve going through it. I can walk on it, doesn’t hurt to move, but starts building stiff resistance with activity – and hurts like hell when it gets pinched. I should probably get it x-rayed just to make sure, but I’m persona-non-grata with the VA orthopedics clinics since the last hip replacement. If there’s anything I’ve learned about healthcare after dozens of VA encounters over the years, it’s that diagnosis for my maladies is best done at home.

LATE, LATE Update – Monday morning. Pretty unpleasant getting out of bed this morning. The real problem is, it only gets worse throughout the day, depending on how much time I spend on my feet. We’ll be heading to Boulder later to pick up some Kief. A new overall medication approach will start today. The last few years was just trying alot of different stuff to see what happens. I think I have the info to start doing real, targeted medication, without getting into hyperemesis and blotto periods. Using Kief in combination with different flower, has been the only thing that showed me clear changes in their effect. I can now confirm what they’ve been saying all along: Terpines must be the key to unlocking whatever it’s doing in the body.

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