Narcissism: Crime of the Century

It will be real poetic justice to me at least, when Benedict Dotard’s narcissism becomes the one thing that ultimately ends up getting him convicted of numerous felonies. At every twist and turn, this self-serving buffoon has opened his mouth wide to expose the truth – if you are really listening. -Not the actual words that come out. They are of course in most cases totally fabricated falsehoods and ramblings uttered solely and narcissistically to disguise and deflect reality.

Throughout his administration, those words were carefully couched in ways gullible listeners wanted to believe. Most citizens are unconcerned with larger societal issues, even if those problems underlie locally relevant circumstances. Messages and talking points can easily be organized and contextualized with meaningless, vague terminology for that target audience. It becomes a little different ballgame when the actual facts of deliberate, criminal activities are laid bare for all to see.

The series of conflicting, inane, literally outrageous responses from the former Liar in Chief attempting to deflect and obfuscate the outcome of his FBI visit are laughable. The Constitution was rigged right from the start with electoral college and many so-called checks that did not balance. They pushed it too far this time. Now it’s time to pay the piper.

“None of the excuses offered by former President Trump and his allies hold up under the slightest scrutiny.”

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