Airlines Suck

The first airliner I flew at around ten years old IIRC, had four propellers and we were delighted to be treated to an actual hot meal during the flight. Even during many long flights on military aircraft of all types during a twenty-year Air Force career, one thing almost never changed: They always launched on time. Today’s air travel is driven by only one primary business motivation. It’s not serving customers, growing or improving the business or even keeping the shareholders happy. Turning a profit seems to be the only thing that matters now.

Yeah, things like pandemics and TSA screw up everything. Join the club. But you greedy airline executives can go fuck yourselves after getting billions in bailout money to keep the skies open. What should we expect if you can’t get the job done on the dole?

I’d rather be sitting in a C-130 jumpseat than standing in these lines.

And if I don’t see some movement on the biofuel topic, I’m gonna get real mean next time.

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