Another Vape Review

The Utilian Bubbler coupled with a Crafty+ earned Ultimate Vape Rig accolades a couple months ago. That thing is one impressive little piece of glass. The design effectively renders it a 2-stage device in an amazingly compact package. This feature makes filling a little iffy, until you get the trick. It’s paired with the new Davinci IQc in this review. The Davinci’s conduction heater design gave me a little unexpected learning curve. Unlike mentioned in that last review, the Davinci can be harnessed with a Utilian.

I bought an early Davinci years ago as my 3rd or 4th choice back around the time when I started with the weed for my arthritis. They certainly are quality, well-made units, but I didn’t like it then due to an apparent lack of airflow and ended up gifting it to a friend. Now I know what I was doing wrong – it’s all about the bowl/oven. The Davinci has an elongated tubular bowl design, so if you get it packed even a little, airflow is restricted. The real trick making it work well with a bubbler is to crack open the oven lid while hitting it. Conduction vapes just tend to have slower flow by design for whatever reasons that may entail. The thing I really like about the Davinci tho, is it seems to run to full temp on high, producing copious amounts of thick vapor. That is a drawback on the Crafty+ – doesn’t get hot enough to boil all the CBD, if that’s what’s in there.

…Leading to the next important point on the IQc: It gets warm. Although not really necessary, I like using a whip with these things. The good brand-name stuff is probably safe, but there have been episodes of cheap/knockoff vape hardware overheating and even blowing up in people’s faces due to battery issues. Regardless, anything extending the air path helps with cooling. The brass connector on this one came about just recently after I broke the first Utilian when it slipped off the end of the whip. ;-(

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