Fuck Tri-State Generation

Maybe my inputs at the demand rate meeting a few years ago were received. They couldn’t see how to easily solve the high peak demand issue with batteries for some reason. A nice chunk of Tesla equipment was installed over on the frontage road recently, but it’s just a start. I thought things were headed in the right direction. Now we see these fuckwits building out the country on a fossil fuel foundation continuing to perpetrate the ongoing screwup:

Still, S&P Global said, “We believe the utility faces significant governance risks. Over more than a decade, three CEOs have struggled to placate members that are expressing dissatisfaction with the level of rates and the utility’s carbon intensity. The notices of intent to withdraw compound these risks.”

These assholes need to stop being dragged kicking and screaming into the future. If they can’t get it through their heads, we’ll just pull a Texas grid failure one of these winters for a little wake-up call here, if necessary.

Keep it up fuckwits – time’s running out…

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