Josh Hawley – Supreme Sack-o-Shit

Repuglican fuckwits in America spent a year stalling Merrick Garland’s legitimate appointment. Then at the first opportunity, swooped in to seat a drunken misogynist and a free-fucking baby-maker, right under the wire. So when it comes time to appoint a liberal judge, we get cock-sucking nazi mutherfuckers like Jerk-off Josh here, asking questions only a bona-fide nazi moron could dream up.

Regardless of any truth to his disdain for sex offenders, jack-hole Josh thought those sentencing guidelines and policies applicable to all judges might be a good topic to attack judge Jackson on. Fist-pumping nazi pricks like this need barred from ever holding public office in this country ever again.

Josh Hawley is a Napoleon Bonespurs dick-sucking nazi.

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