Greene Goes Full Retard

Eatin’s not gonna make it go away, darlin’

Goddamned right this war is gonna be prolonged – until Pootin is either dead or in prison, along with half his incompetent, criminal army. This stinking Kremlin whore needs raped by baboons and deported to Russia.

Shitstain McAssface and all his strap-hangers belong in prison. MTG’s one of them. Here’s a partial list of current American Traitors to Democracy.

“The eight GOP “no” votes were Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Matt Gaetz (Fla.), Lauren Boebert (Colo.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Dan Bishop (N.C.), Glenn Grothman (Wis.) and Chip Roy (Texas).”

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