Colorado Karen Repug Goin’ Down

Political posts also tagged with the “crime” category here refer to alleged crimes, for the most part. But !!DING-DING-DING!! we got a winner up here with an actual indictment in the great state of Colorado. Maybe the lower levels at elevation were starving her brain for oxygen. Whatever the problem, this cunt won’t be running for anything but cell block monitor after justice gets served.

Check out the arrest video, to see just exactly what we’re dealin’ with. Must feel good gettin’ walked out by your own jackboot troopers.

No worries on the voting machines, sweetie. I don’t think they let convicted felons vote in prison.

The indictment, filed in Mesa County District Court, alleges that Peters and Knisley participated in a plan designed to “breach security protocols, exceed permissible access to voting equipment, and set in motion the eventual distribution of confidential information to unauthorized people.”

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