Time to “de-Militarize” Russia

One of the characterizations Putin made to justify his little imperialist adventure was a move to de-militarize Ukraine. Fair enough. We’ll just have to do this the hard way – like North Korea. And if China wants to formally join the axis, more power to ’em!

Authoritarianism is alive and well, for the time being. World War II in Europe ended right next door to where WW-III is starting. One of the things they just don’t get is economics. Capitalism and Democracy sure have their drawbacks, but at least we can make alot of money and weapons with ’em. Good luck, mutherfuckers.

Cancel culture just went viral.

With Oil ‘n Gas underpinning an already small, shaky economy, and renewable energy coming on strong, there’s gonna be alot of hungry Russians next winter. If they thought they were losing money to Uke petro deals before, they got another thing comin’ now.

You’ve Got Another Thing Comin’ – Judas Priest

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