You Have the Freedom to be Stupid

…as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. It’s an institutionalized corollary to Darwinism in this country. Seems to be proceeding apace in recent years, considering the Covid death toll now decidedly tilting towards the un-vaccinated. But every so often the law needs to step in, preventing the truly psychotic from causing excessive collateral damage.

Has anybody yet realized the actual problem with being directed to get vaccinated in all this government overreach/freedom bullshyt? You’re too stupid to know what’s good for you. Let’s call it the PC term: Extended Immaturity. It leads to the current Supreme Court case with dimwits running around full of misinformation and lies. Now you’ve managed to paralyze not only the healthcare system, but the country as a whole more-or-less, from an economic standpoint.

Let’s not forget greedy. You have that freedom too. Nice work, fuckwits. I’m talking to you, Zuckerboy – and that bearded twit.

“We were hearing from small business owners that they very much valued their freedom to do business their way, and they felt like this was very much an encroachment of that right and that freedom,”

Good luck, mutherfuckers – you packed the Court.

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