Joe Manchin is a Total POS

This mutherfucker stopped pandering to any voter base a long time ago. At some point he realized legislative gridlock was great for keeping his name in the news. No such thing as bad PR, so the self-induced crises makes political popularity a game of pin the tail on the donkey for legislators unconcerned with anything but themselves. They’re quite happy to blindly pin failure anywhere it sticks, while Americans suffer in sickness and poverty.

Look up “Conflict of Interest” and find this cocksucker’s picture in most current references.

“Manchin says BBB risky for climate change.” Manchin and his coal-burning criminal enterprise are the biggest climate change risk – at least as far as the WVa hillbillies are concerned. We need more people working on adjusting the gullible hillbilly demographic’s political outlook across this country.

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