Piscene Winter Transition

I was trying to get the right sun angle on the 190 pics when I noticed Tigger following the reflection off my phone on the ceiling. Back on topic, The goldfish came in from the pond a month ago. Three goldfish tanks in the basement are stocked full, based on the 1″ of fish per gallon of water rule of thumb. I added the little 10-gallon to keep some java moss, water lettuce and minnows for the big guys upstairs. The moss is a great addition for helping to keep the water clean, but the goldfish eat it.

The fish in that 60-gallon tank above the TV are the lucky ones. It is an all-in-one design acrylic tank using the entire back wall section as a multi-stage filter setup that works very well and is super easy to maintain. 2022 might be the 1st year we don’t buy water plants if the water lettuce pulls through over the winter. It’s looking good so far. With the exception of a water supply, electricity and my labor, the pond becomes almost self-sustaining at this point.

Fish AND spots of light on the ceiling today!

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