Shots Fired!

Here’s some purely anecdotal evidence showing America’s declining social situation. IIRC, we just had three weeks running without a “shots fired” entry in the local blotter. Just when I thought maybe things were calming down, apparently they are not. At least nobody got shot last week, despite a teenager going on 72-hr hold after an altercation involving a deadly weapon. Looks like one of the incidents was actually some sort of drive-by.

That is unheard of in Frederick CO, ostensibly, one of the safest places to live in the whole damn country. I noticed that entry in the weekly local LE summary Frederick publishes for the first time ever over a year ago at some point after pandemic restrictions went into full swing. Never saw it before, and now it’s a regular feature of the report, with incidents growing in severity.

Seems a bit worrisome seeing this in Fredrick

It’s hard to argue with the safety rating while traffic stops and pet problems make up the bulk of the work. But the trend is not good.

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