Indict Zuckerberg

Fuck section 230. Find something. Odds are, he’s an insurrection co-conspiritor. The greedy little piece of shit should be made an example of.

Can’t wait to sign up for “Truth,” and start violating their terms of service. You might be surprised at how many legitimate email addresses somebody running their own mail server can come up with.

Trump and the repugs are worried about Farcebook and Twitter access, attempting to launch their own cyber propaganda machine even as I type. They had ubiquitous platforms to spread their lies, insulated from any liability. But Trump’s bannings earlier this year were too little too late. The nazi thought control virus has infected too many and spreads unimpeded. Social media scrutiny is tightening those screws, but there’s no way to know where that will lead. Lies are all they have left, and social media is the biggest MAGA manure spreader.

Fuck these bastards: “It will be a flash in the pan. Some legislators will get pissy. And then in a few weeks they will move onto something else. Meanwhile, we are printing money in the basement, and we are fine,” Tucker Bounds, a member of Facebook’s communications team, was quoted in the complaint as saying, The Washington Post reported.

Fuckbook needs assets frozen, shutdown and divvied up, no less than Purdue – same issue: existential threat to society.

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