Sanctity of the Vote

Most concerned with politics at some level understand this concept. Some understand it only as a means to their ends. The vote – any one vote, represents the bedrock upon which democracy is built. Confounding factors besetting the vote these days come from people who do not respect this principle.

Respect. What a concept. From time to time, people have described postings here filled with profanity, mocking and derision as “disrespectful.” Barbs and accusations leveled at the highest ranking government officials have at times, been perceived as hateful and violent, even threatening. Ya think?

Face has been lost. It’s gone – long gone. The lines are clearly drawn for all to see. Who and what will no longer be tolerated under any circumstances are those assailing women’s reproductive rights, promoting systemic racism, practicing personal bigotry, enabling public health politicization, monetizing misinformation, gerrymandering, treason, voter suppression – the list goes on.

When the vote didn’t go their way, people proposing insidiously abhorrent illegal positions on these matters became overtly public for political purposes. Circling the wagons under the Trump banner, they formed the new GOP on big bags of cash floating in a floundering economy paralyzed with misinformation. Thanks for putting all the target acquisition work in news and social media! I might not go to church on Sunday, nor do I leverage illegal means to help my vote. But you goddamn well better believe I defend it religiously. Respect that or not, at your peril.

Voting-related violations against democracy and the rule of law committed by the former POTUS and his criminal enterprise are prosecution matters now. But regardless of the topic at hand, Trumplicans will continue playing the politics of fear in any divisive direction they can, because that is all the greedy cocksuckers have left. It is but one facet of our rotten government needing dealt with today. Parrot the big lie and all it engenders, or perhaps consider a little respect.

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