Fun With Twitter™

Never been much of a Twit, myself. I tend to agree with Dave Chappelle on the topic – it’s just a digital bathroom wall. But now that Fuckbook’s insidious business practices are finally out in the open, it’s time to pivot. I’ve been using the Twitter for my own algorithm and engagement testing – but the only real goal is delivering depraved insults to selected individuals.

Youtube could be a legitimate service, if they cleaned it up. I deleted my Fuckbook account years ago when it started getting really shitty. Twitter came into focus when the Orange Fuckwit began leveraging it for his misinformation campaign(s) in an epic thumb-nose to Democracy and the Rule of Law. Smart people always knew the only reason these platforms exist is to monetize personal user data without the owner’s consent.

The 1st phase of this little exercise demonstrates how quickly they nail the marketing vectors. I might be Twitter’s least active user. I follow nobody and block everything. My last logon before today was 2 weeks ago. The only football stuff I’ve done online this season were to see the schedule reading nothing, and one streaming service (on which I do not even have an account) watching games. It’s no big stretch to imagine what happens when those algorithms get tweaked and applied in even more targeted fashion.

Even more concerning: how and where’d they get a low-interest fan’s info with just a few weeks of minimal online NFL activity that never even touched their platform? We used to call it triangulation in the missile targeting business. In the data-mining business, the payoff is like the Ferrari ultimately produced from stuff taken out of the ground.

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