Forest for the Trees

On a national news interview with Gayle King today, Zuckerberg bragged about “taking down 18 million pieces of misinformation.” Fine, if that’s how they expect to stay busy, but it’s half-assed self promotion. People with a smidgen of common sense understand treating symptoms as opposed to root causes, is a never-ending struggle, often doomed to failure. Sounds like he’s trying to play a fine-grained game of digital whack-a-mole – to the detriment of society and democracy.

The issue Zucky-boy deliberately omits, overlooks or otherwise skirts in attempts to pin him down on the topic is simple: The distinction between the misinformation and the people spreading it. It will only be curbed by stopping the people doing it. That means bannings, blocking IP’s, even ranges of IP’s where Russian cyber criminals and Chinese data thieves lurk – not to mention the Covidiots. But alas, that might impact the bottom line.

Any”thing” can easily create and exploit a FB account. Maybe a little user vetting? Apparently the country’s not worth it.

Lyin’, greedy, cocksucking piece of shit.

Fuckbook’s Most Viewed Article In Early 2021 Raised Doubt About COVID Vaccine.

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