Dark Corner No More

Having been a big lemon benefactor over the years, I’ve always subscribed to the old adage “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” So after last fall’s early hard freeze took out half the trees in the front yard, I took advantage of the situation.

“The Weed Tree” was not dead. But most of one side and half the other was. It took me almost a month to get the dead parts trimmed down, cut up and the small stuff burned. The remainder is still a decent-sized tree, now also forming a street light pole at least double the candlepower of the more decorative variety the town put on the other corner. I had to fabricate a small adapter for a clean attachment to the tree limb.

You can get an idea of the extent of the damage from that last “before” pic with Tigger. I had started pruning the dead stuff off it a couple weeks prior to that shot. Weather extremes driven by climate change are here now. We still have quite a bit of Aspen left to come down from the one on the other side of the driveway. I’ll tackle that later this year after it cools off. Probably later than last year, not quite as cool…

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