Health Status Update

Looks like this is basically what I’ll have to work with:

13 JUL 21: Impression of lumbar symptoms after a month off decompression seems to suggest fusion with removal of the disc leaves things at that level fairly well solidified and inflammation / stenosis resistant – lumbar no longer responds to decompression. Nerve damage-induced paralysis in all the surrounding / connected right side musculature remains a severely debilitating, painful daily nightmare. Soft tissues around top of the knee (not in the joint itself, like arthritis) up through the quad, ilial on the right and both glutes and erectors are sore to the bone continuously. Nerve symptoms simmer down through the calf crunching my toes similar to how I’m always gripping with my right hand. This condition now prevalent throughout the entire right side of my body, starts first step out of bed in the morning and only gets worse through the day with physical activity – footwork – the term I now use for anything on my feet – walking or even just standing is always a forced march. Left side quad rebound jab stopped sometime recently.

C-Spine has once again become the dominant, disabling injury being “worked on.” At least the lumbar shouldn’t get worse, going forward.

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