Said Pot to the Kettle

“Fox News host Tucker Carlson sharply criticized the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Thursday, calling him a “pig” and “stupid” and saying he got his job because he was obsequious and told his superiors what they wanted to hear.”

But curiously, Pot Carlson has never met, worked with, read, spoken to or interacted with the General in any fashion ever. The guy must be fucking clairvoyant. I’d post a link to Tuck-the-Cuck’s resume for comparison, but there’s none to be found on this Internet.

Funny how indignant they get when their cheerleaders have their asses handed to them. Key players on the starting team have been sidelined. And the farm teams are getting decimated with injuries.

GOPball’s gettin’ real dicey this season

I can spot a stupid pig anywhere! It’s the smart ones I have trouble with.

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