Biggest Power Grab in History

…said the cocksucker with a Trump dick so far up his ass it’s starting to slur his speech. Oddly, this moron was one of the few Repugs warning of Trump danger back in 2016. Funny how the liars often accuse their victims of the same thing they are trying to hide for their own sake. The reality of Lindsey’s debacle in this case is really the opposite of his baneful bleating.

Whether or not conservatives yet realize it, the biggest POWER LOSS in history has already taken place. The current political climate following a failed coup is merely a reflection and confirmation of this fact. Another fact belying elected officials’ vulnerability across the country is telling: The GOP is dead as an effective political machine. A handful of senators from the farmlands and backwoods of a long past agrarian society will no longer dictate national policy for the benefit of a few to the detriment of the country at large.

The number of truth-aware voters is growing. The number clinging to hate, racism and fascism is shrinking. Get over it assholes.

…with a taste for Trump dick.

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