Performative Bullshit

Just heard Fred Wellman, LPTV Director, offer a most apt high-level labeling of the Republican Party’s overall narrative today. Listen to the same words drooling from GOP lawmakers’ mouths, re-arranged to instill fear in the base on any number of topics. They would remain supportive of The Fuckwit were he (should be!) convicted for crimes against humanity. Trump suporters view any humanity outside their own neighborhood as something to be kicked down at. The Repugs will need a little luck with that going forward, because the loyal funny farm group of q-anon, white supremacist hillbilly mouth-breathers is lost and shrinking fast.

A quick check of any FOX network faux-news talk show reinforces the platform in wildly false, insulting ways. They get into the nitty gritty stuff the politicians themselves cannot utter publicly. It’s a propaganda machine fueled by lies and innuendo. Right-wing media employees, Hannity, Carlson, et al, are the deceitful actors in those puppet shows.

False accusations, lying, denial, and treason are the Republican Party’s messages for today. No wonder college is so expensive and student loans are nothing but a debt trap. This society doesn’t seem to work so well with smart people voting truth to power. Fuck them. ALL of them.

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