Mother Nature’s Messin’ with Us

Daaaaang. Looks to be a total of around two feet by tomorrow morning, coming in 4th biggest all-time. It’s the first I’ve seen this from the authorities here. I was looking forward to going out to play in the truck if the wind lets up. There’s plenty of stranded motorists needing dealt with, – trucks jack-knifed on I-70, actually leading to an emergency declaration in Aurora.

Scattered power outages, nothing unusual. It’s the really heavy wet snow. I’m a little worried about the Yew tree on the north side of the garage. It’s about on the ground.

(Late Update Mid Morning Monday) Everybody’s snowed in and Redneck decided to call it a snow day. We had the driveway cleared and got the truck dug out and warmed up just in case, but nobody’s really going anywhere until they finish plowing the side streets.

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