
Apparently some closed-minded people believe the U.S. Constitution to be an even more complete societal regulatory publication than The Bible itself. Is it any wonder these legal scholars and political hacks cannot see much more than their own ineptitude and shortsightedness staring them in the face every morning?

The old refrain “if it ain’t in the Constitution, it doesn’t exist” is getting tedious. It’s like saying “the earth looks flat from where I’m standing, so it must be flat.” Fucking morons wouldn’t be happy without something to argue about.

The U.S. Constitution is NOT all-encompassing in it’s specificity, and NOT supportive of any wild-assed idea you might absurdly conceive in it’s intentional obscurity. It’s a tool. Usage results may vary with user skill.

Kavanaugh? Seriously? There’s a real tool for ya. What a shitshow.

Yeah sorry, I had no clue what I was doing in Florida 20 years ago either.

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