First Snow of the Season

We’ve had a couple inches here and there a few times since it got cold last year, but yesterday was the first time we got enough to do any good. We had something called a “convergence” where fronts met right over Denver dumping as much as 16 inches in some metro areas. We only had about 6, but it was welcome. I got one of those snow shovels with the extra handle last year, so I’m still shoveling snow, albeit braced in a mostly upright position.

The pups had fun chasing a flock of turkeys after I opened the garage door to finish the driveway, not knowing they were roaming around the front yard at the time. Half the 20-bird flock was on the roof after about 10 seconds and people in cars were stopping to look at them for an hour afterwards.

Wadda ya waitin’ for?!

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