Unreliable Predictors

Damn – somebody start making a list! Imagine the possibilities with some of THAT information. People used to believe the earth is flat – some still do! The primary predictor of that disposition was plainly obvious. Just look around in every direction.

Unfortunately human nature , being the fickle, easily fooled thing it is, often prevents people from comprehensively seeing unfiltered reality. This country’s long, tortured history with Cannabis is just another great example, along with diet/nutrition, politics and any number of topics in life people simply refuse to get right because of personal hubris, willful ignorance and plain old laziness.

I have a newsflash for the government, medical community and anybody like Jeff Sessions, who thinks “good people don’t use Marijuana:” It’s over. People in Colorado spent and average of $1.5B/yr on pot since 2014 – in one of the states everybody wants to move to for some reason – state full of “bad people,” and all.

So let’s take just one aspect of this matter, the DUI issue, to task. I’ve been using weed to manage numerous injury-related maladies for going on six years, since around the time I retired from Lockheed. I can tell you with absolute certainty, the active ingredients in Cannabis have no adverse effect whatsoever on driving, at least for me – none. In fact, I would suggest it improves my driving, for the most part.

I took three cross-country trips since retiring in 2015. Once to Atlanta for some car business, and twice to PA for family visits, going clear around through either New Hampshire or North Carolina, at times doing 14-hour stints behind the wheel stopping only for fuel and bathroom facilities, before pulling off to a rest area or hotel for the night or day, depending on clock readings at the time. I did this pretty much stoned the whole way. Put that in your DUI calculator and smoke it.

The driving improvement part comes NOT from reduced inflammation and pain – that was supposed to be the whole point in the 1st place, right? No -it’s from the psychoactive part providing calm, clarity and focus, as opposed to road rage. I speed less. I’m more alert and mindful. There is clearly no question I am at least a SAFER, if not better driver when driving high. Fuck Jeff Sessions and any flat-earthers in government and the medical community. No driving simulator data here – I proved it to myself, for real.

The contrast between that last trip and the first time when I remember almost falling asleep at the wheel with a Tramadol hangover was pretty dramatic.

Road Trip 2017: Yeah, I stopped at Woodstock. The problem with Cannabis is it’s just another one of the big lies uninformed people like to tell.

The PSU Panther & me.

DISCLAIMER: There was one time in upstate New York, when I sat under an overpass studying the map for a few minutes, because I could not remember where I made the wrong turn! 🤣

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