The Big Lie

I don’t know how many MAGA’s had the epiphany yet, but it was ALL a lie. The election bullshyt was just the last, biggest, most poorly-told example. So bad in fact, only the looniest of the base still believe any of it. And there’s alot of them. That’s scary.

They know it’s over, but haven’t accepted it. That’s when things get desperate. Take your typical hostage situation, for example. It could always go either way at any point. Everybody knows that. It’s what’s at stake. Duh.

I’m not accustomed to having my government at stake in a political game of who can tell the biggest lie. The Fuckwit is holding our government hostage with his popularity. Kinda like the way illegal drug dealers are popular with customers – a void in their brain gets filled with garbage.

Well, it did.

Here’s the mundane, day-to-day violence the Fuckwit’s lies and incitement gets us.

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