Tough Shyt – Find Something Else To Do

Most inhabitants plan to live on this planet for the foreseeable future. Any employee, owner/operator, supporter and/or any others who still think the petrochemical industry is/was a good idea can just go fuck themselves. Maybe do a little cleanup work out on the Pacific Plastic Patch. Nice work Oil ‘n Gas – the transition is in progress. Get your ducks in a row and move on.

“It’s uneconomical to drill right now,” Baker says. “Oil and gas will cry bloody murder but right now they’re not drilling, because they can’t afford to.”

The sun really is setting on your industry. Get over it, or go kicking and screaming.

It’s OBE. (O)vercome (B)y (E)vents – Obsolete, supplanted by technology, like every other bygone industrial complex of the past century. Scale it back to a specialty/cottage industry as appropriate. I’m gonna miss my modded diesels, but I’ll pay the called-for price just to warm them up once in awhile, if that’s what it takes. Starting to look forward to that first all-electric car. Never thought I’d say that.

Political and corporate apologists wrangling for position on the back of an industry in decline for more than a decade at the expense of ecological disaster are scum-sucking parasites.

Game’s over. Now pick up your pieces and go home. Don’t forget to clean up the mess.

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