We’ve Known All Along

“We” in this context meaning, the half of the country who either directly or implicitly recognized the contents of the Kerner Report, commissioned by Lyndon Johnson:

“What white Americans have never fully understood – but what the negro can never forget – is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it.”

Fortunately alot of what remains is implicit in unwitting participants, brought up alongside systemic racism in recent generations. There are of course the hardcore fanatics embodied in the nazis and other flavors of white supremacy. They need to be convinced: It’s over.

The willful ignorance and bold depravity with which GOP politicians have enabled and in fact, incited a resurgence of one of the human race’ most vile failings, mob rule, fueld by among other things racist hatred, in my democratic Capitol of the Untied States of America, at this time in history, is unforgivable.

Proud, Bugaloo, Klan, Oath my ass. Fuck ALL you mutherfuckers! You certainly have an inalienable right to your ignorance – just not to hold it over others.

They must be real “proud” of this shyt. Up next: Qanon…

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